
Tuesday, 10 May 2011

FarmVille Gives More Information On Collections

Farmville Grains

The new Collections System was recently introduced in FarmVille a few days ago. Several players were unsure of how exactly these collections were categorized, and what exactly needed to be harvested in order to receive items to finish these Collections.
According to the FarmVille Blog, in an announcement this evening, we were provided with some helpful tips on which items qualify in order for Collections to be completed.
The announcement says:

More on Collections

Quite a few of you are wondering exactly which harvestable items qualify for what collection. Here’s a better description:
* Grains – Grains are any crop that are listed in the Grains section in the Market.
* Citrus – Citrus trees like the Lime Tree, Ponderosa Lemon, Blood Orange, etc.
* Squash – Certain types of squashy crops like the Acorn Squash, Spumpkin, Zucchini, etc.
* Flowers – Flowers are any crop that are listed in the Flowers section of the Market.
* Cows – Nearly all available cows should count. Calves do not count.
* Berries – Most fruits that have “berries” in their name, including Strawberries and Elderberries, as well as Red Currants.

Hopefully this will help out a lot when you’re trying to fill out your Collections.
FarmVille Collections
Source :- FV FREAK


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