FarmVille Instant Grow
Lots of FarmVille Freaks such as FarmVille Freak Shannon, FarmVille Freak CabbagePatchKid, and many more have noticed that FarmVille has added the option to apply Instant Grow directly on your farms.
Instant Grow has the ability of growing your crops or trees from 0% ready to 100% ready to harvest in just one click of your mouse. For the first time this gives you the option of purchasing Instant Grow for crops or trees. However, this instant gratification will cost you Farm Cash so don’t get too excited!
FarmVille Apply Instant Grow
When you mouseover any planted plot or tree that is not yet ready to harvest, you will see a small text pop-up that says “Click to apply Instant Grow”. After clicking on the seeded plot, you will see another pop-up bubble that says “Apply Instant Grow”. This triggers another pop-up menu that will let you select exactly what you would like to apply Instant Grow to, you will have the option of choosing crops or trees (or both). At this point you can cancel your Instant Grow purchase or purchase it for Farm Cash. Because there are confirmation pop-ups that follow after you click, there is no need to worry about accidentally purchasing Instant Grow because of it’s in-your-face placement while you are farming.
Instant Grow Costs
*Note, the cost of Instant Grow varies. The cost is relevant to how ready your crops or trees are. For example, if your crops are at 0% then it will cost more as opposed to being 50% ready.
- Example: Instant Grow Crop – 3 Farm Cash
- Example: Instant Grow Tree – 7 Farm Cash
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