FarmVille GagaVille Quest 5
There is a new GagaVille Quest for you to complete in FarmVille starting tonight. The GagaVille Quest 5 “Born This Way” has you completing three simple tasks to earn some exclusive rewards. Like yesterday’s quest, one of the rewards is the ability to listen to a stream of Lady Gaga’s entire “Born This Way” album before it comes out! FarmVille is the only place you can hear a stream of the entire album before it’s released.
- 1. Visit GagaVille farm.
- 2. Buy a tree.
- 3. Have 6 VIP Tickets. (You can ask for VIP Tickets by posting a Facebook News Feed share or from Gifting Page if they are available).
FarmVille GagaVille Born This Way Quest 5
- Preview of entire “Born This Way” album.
- Spikey Tree (Decorative tree).
- 100 XP
- 2,500 Farm Coins
FarmVille Spikey Tree (Decoration)
FarmVille GagaVille Born This Way Quest 5 Completed
This quest will be available for only one day until it expires. You must complete it in this time frame to earn your free Gaga goodies.
What do you think of GagaVille Quest 5 and its rewards?
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