FarmVille GagaVille
In addition to the Free Unicorn that players will receive when they purchase a Zynga Game Card, a new prize will be added to the list of goodies farmers can get to celebrate the GagaVille promotion.
Starting tomorrow, upon purchasing a Zynga Game Card, players will receive a code to download songs from Lady Gaga’s newest album “Born This Way”. This code will not only allow the purchase of songs from this album, but also provide players with 2 exclusive tracks when the album is officially released.
The announcement from the FarmVille page on Facebook says:
Starting tomorrow, get a $25 Zynga Game Card from your local Best Buy or online (US only) and you’ll also receive a code to download Lady Gaga’s album Born This Way, including 2 exclusive tracks on 5/23 when it hits stores! Did we mention the #zyngagaAt this point, the promotion is restricted to the U.S. only.
Zynga Fan Page Game Card Announcement
What do you think of this upcoming promo? Are you excited to see all the things GagaVille has to offer?
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