FarmVille Sebright Chicken
FarmVille usually provides cool new offers and prizes upon the purchase of Farm Cash through Facebook.
The newest price for purchasing Farm Cash is the Sebright Chicken. The Sebright Chicken was released during the Limited Edition English Countryside theme.
For a limited time only, if you buy Farm Cash through one of the given offers, you will receive this chicken as a free gift! The packages to purchase Farm Cash include:
- 4 Farm Cash for $1
- 25 Farm Cash for $5
- 115 Farm Cash for $20
FarmVille usually provides cool new offers and prizes upon the purchase of Farm Cash through Facebook.
The newest price for purchasing Farm Cash is the Sebright Chicken. The Sebright Chicken was released during the Limited Edition English Countryside theme.
For a limited time only, if you buy Farm Cash through one of the given offers, you will receive this chicken as a free gift! The packages to purchase Farm Cash include:
4 Farm Cash for $1
25 Farm Cash for $5
115 Farm Cash for $20
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